IP Tracing – an essential digital tool for sales growth

IP tracing works on the principal that each device that connects to the internet has a unique identifier and with the use of IP Tracing, you can also identify the business that is browsing. Analysed in further depth, this data will allow you to see whether a visitor has clicked on the “Contact us” part of your website, what products and services they are interested in, how long they visited your site for, and also the websites that referred them to yours.
It sounds very similar to Google Analytics but there is one big difference – if your visitors are B2B and browsing from a fixed IP then you can now identify the businesses that are visiting your site.  Generally only 2% of visitors will click that web enquiry button or pick up a phone to call you – think of that 98% that are getting away!
Here are some of the main benefits of IP Tracing to your business:
Identify those silent surfers
Inform your sales team of the businesses that are visiting your site but didn’t make themselves known to you – have another shot at converting them into a deal.  Data is the new gold and in this instance, it really is.
Find out about user behaviour
So now you know who visited your site, how about knowing what pages they browsed?  Understanding their journey through your site will give you valuable insight into their needs and potentially where they are in the buying funnel. Additionally you will know where your website traffic is coming from and also what pattern of behaviour your visitors follow once they land on your site is a valuable aid to your business. Used correctly, data from IP tracing allows you to focus your marketing campaigns by building up an intimate knowledge of your buyer personas.
Change unpopular pages
Once you have analysed the data, you can find out which pages on your website are popular by the average amount of time that your visitor spends on each one.  If some of your website pages have a high bounce rate, you can then experiment with content and images to enhance the “stickiness” of these problem pages.
Find out where visitors exit your funnel
Are your visitors leaving your website before they have completed the “Contact us” page? With IP tracing, you can see how far your visitors move down the sales funnel before they leave it altogether. You can then take decisive action, perhaps by removing a step in the process to ensure that a visitor does not have to go through a laborious process to become a sales lead.
Use social media to your advantage
You can use IP tracing to tailor your marketing strategy to a particular social media platform, due to the fact that you will be able to attribute sales leads to a specific social media channel. This ensures that your marketing campaign efforts are not wasted in one area where they could be better used in another.
Being able to build up a detailed picture of your silent surfers, the website traffic through your site and the user behaviour will allow you to tailor your digital marketing strategy to convert more targeted traffic to sales leads. Overall, it means that you will be able to get that elusive ROI from digital which will not only benefit your bottom line but assist in your future growth.


  1. ইমু সেক্স ৯০০ টাকা
    ফোন সেক্স ৪৫০ টাকা
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    ইমু সেক্স ৯০০ টাকা
    ফোন সেক্স ৪৫০ টাকা
    সেক্স আলাপ সময় 45 মিনিট

    ইমু সেক্স ৯০০ টাকা
    ফোন সেক্স ৪৫০ টাকা
    সেক্স আলাপ সময় 45 মিনিট

    ইমু সেক্স ৯০০ টাকা
    ফোন সেক্স ৪৫০ টাকা
    সেক্স আলাপ সময় 45 মিনিট

    ইমু সেক্স ৯০০ টাকা
    ফোন সেক্স ৪৫০ টাকা
    সেক্স আলাপ সময় 45 মিনিট

    ইমু সেক্স ৯০০ টাকা
    ফোন সেক্স ৪৫০ টাকা
    সেক্স আলাপ সময় 45 মিনিট

    ইমু সেক্স ৯০০ টাকা
    ফোন সেক্স ৪৫০ টাকা
    সেক্স আলাপ সময় 45 মিনিট

    ইমু সেক্স ৯০০ টাকা
    ফোন সেক্স ৪৫০ টাকা
    সেক্স আলাপ সময় 45 মিনিট

    ইমু সেক্স ৯০০ টাকা
    ফোন সেক্স ৪৫০ টাকা
    সেক্স আলাপ সময় 45 মিনিট

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      ১ বার টাই করে দেখ
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      Bondu ra sex korba but বিসসেস্ত khuka passo na amaka call dao 01796595933
      “”Phn sex 300taka””
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      ১ বার টাই করে দেখ
      সেক্স korla বিকাশ korta hoba “BKASH, DBBL, A TAKA petata perla contack koro
