Model of the Month | Tiiu Kuik Introduction

At the age of 22, Tiiu Kuik (d’management group) has quite an impressive portfolio–from walking for labels such as Christian Dior and Jean Paul Gaultier to being photographed by Paolo Roversi and Steven Meisel, Tiiu has proved to have true staying power over the years. Like many models, she was discovered at a young age. Tiiu was only 14 when a modeling scout approached her at a local food fair in Estonia and offered her their business card. Understandably, Tiiu was doubtful about the prospect at first. “I was an awkward and tall teen–the tallest in my class and often teased for it. Modeling was the last thing on my mind.” But in the end, it was her mother who encouraged her to try modeling. “She thought it would be a good life experience and help me get over my shyness. Neither of us ever expected it to take me outside Estonia or bring in any money.” Now, Tiiu loves traveling and we can only be thankful for her mother’s encouragement.

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